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Just a few hours to the JAMB exam. Have you printed your JAMB slip? The JAMB slip is a crucial document for all candidates participating in the UTME. It contains vital information such as your examination date, time, and centre. If you’ve not printed your slip by now, read on to see how to go about it. 

What is a JAMB Slip & Why do You Need It?

The JAMB slip is an official document that serves as proof of your registration for the JAMB examination. It contains essential details, including:

  • Candidate’s name and passport photograph
  • JAMB registration number
  • Examination date and time
  • Examination center and venue
  • Subject combination for the examination

The JAMB slip is necessary for gaining entry to the examination hall, as it verifies your identity and ensures you’re seated at the correct center. Additionally, the slip is used during the admission process in Nigerian tertiary institutions.

How to Print JAMB Slip 2024: A Detailed Guide

Follow these simple steps to reprint your JAMB 2024 exam slip directly from the JAMB website:

Step 1: Access the JAMB Examination Slip Printing Portal

Go to the JAMB examination slip printing portal by visiting https://slipsprinting.jamb.gov.ng/PrintExaminationSlip.

Step 2: Provide Your JAMB Registration Number or Email Address

In the designated space on the jamb portal, input your JAMB registration number, email address, or phone number.

How to print jamb slip step 2: Enter reg number.

Step 3: Print Your Examination Slip

Click on “Print Examination Slip,” and your exam details will appear on the screen. Connect your computer to a printer and proceed to print your JAMB examination slip 2024.

Additional Tips:

  • You will need access to a computer and printer, so if you don’t have one at home, you can visit a nearby cyber cafe to print your slip.
  • It’s essential to print the JAMB slip in color, as it features your passport photograph.
  • Save a digital copy of your JAMB slip for future reference and print multiple copies in case of damage or loss.

Knowing how to print JAMB slip is crucial for every candidate participating in the JAMB examination. This document not only confirms your examination details but also serves as a means of identification during the examination and admission process. As you prepare for the exam, it’s essential to develop a strategic study plan to maximize your chances of success. Effective study techniques and tips can make a significant difference in your performance.