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Studying is a key part of doing well in school, but it can be tough sometimes. As a Nigerian senior secondary school student, you might face challenges like getting used to different ways teachers teach, not having enough books or materials, and finding time for schoolwork while managing other things in your life. 

To tackle these challenges and excel in your studies, you need to improve how you learn and study. In this guide, you’ll find 13 helpful and proven study techniques that can make preparing for important exams easier and help you achieve great results. Remember, every student is unique, so feel free to change these strategies to fit your own learning style and what works best for you.

Let’s get started

13 Effective Study Techniques for Nigerian Students

1. Time Management

We’ll break this into four steps: 

A. Create a study schedule

To manage your time effectively, start by creating a weekly schedule that incorporates your schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and personal life. Allocate specific time slots for each activity, ensuring you have enough time for studying and leisure.

Rank your tasks by importance and deadline to ensure that you focus on the most critical assignments first. This will help you avoid last-minute cramming and ensure you make steady progress.

See how to create a study schedule here

B. Setting realistic goals

Break down your study material into smaller, manageable sections and set specific goals for each study session. This will keep you motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment as you progress.

C. Avoiding procrastination

Procrastination is a major obstacle to effective studying. To combat this, set deadlines for yourself, break tasks into smaller steps, and reward yourself for completing tasks on time.

D. Time blocking

Time blocking involves dedicating specific blocks of time to focus on one task. It helps you maintain focus and complete tasks more efficiently. Schedule regular study blocks, and eliminate distractions during these periods to maximize your study time. 

For instance, if you have a two-hour window available for studying, you could divide it into four 30-minute blocks with short breaks in between. During each block, focus solely on one subject or task, such as reviewing notes, completing practice problems, or reading a textbook chapter.

To eliminate distractions, silence your phone, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and let your family or roommates know you’re in a focused study session. By using time blocking, you’ll be able to concentrate better and make significant progress in your studies.

2. Active Reading

Active reading involves engaging with the text as you read rather than passively absorbing the information. Follow these steps: 

A. Skim and scan

Skimming involves quickly reading the material to get a general understanding, while scanning consists in searching for specific information. Use these techniques to save time and identify the most important points in your study materials.

B. Take notes and highlight

As you read, take notes and highlight essential concepts. This will help you better understand the material and create a condensed version for future reference.

C. Ask questions and make connections

Challenge yourself to ask questions about the content and connect it to what you already know. This active engagement will improve your comprehension and retention of the material.

3. Summarization

Summarizing helps you condense and retain the main points of your study materials. You strengthen your understanding and recall by rewriting information in your own words. 

Summarize each section of your study material using bullet points, headings, or short paragraphs.

Include only the most important information and use your own words to avoid simply copying the text. Review your summaries regularly to reinforce your understanding of the material and make your study sessions more efficient.

4. Mind Mapping

Mind maps are visual tools that help you organize and connect information in a more engaging and memorable way. You can improve your understanding and retention of complex concepts by using mind maps.

Start with a central topic and branch out to related subtopics, using lines, symbols, and colours to show relationships between ideas. Customize your mind map to suit the subject matter and your personal preferences.

Incorporate colors, symbols, and images into your mind maps to make them more visually appealing and memorable. These visual elements can help you recall information more quickly during exams.

5. Use Flashcards

Flashcards are a learning tool that consists of cards with information written on both sides. They are used to aid memorization and help students learn and retain new concepts, facts, or vocabulary. Typically, one side of the card contains a question, term, or concept, while the other side contains the corresponding answer, definition, or explanation. 

Keep the information concise and clear to facilitate quick recall. You can apply the spaced repetition technique when studying information on your flash card. Spaced repetition involves reviewing flashcards at increasing intervals, which helps to reinforce long-term memory. Start by reviewing new cards daily, then gradually increase the time between reviews as you become more familiar with the content.

You can create your flashcards using sticky notes, cards, paper, or digital tools and apps. 

Digital flashcard tools and apps that can help you create, organize, and review your flashcards more efficiently. Many of these tools also incorporate spaced repetition algorithms to optimize your study sessions.

6. Use Mnemonics

Some Mnemonics styles:

A. Acronyms and acrostics

Acronyms are words formed from the first letters of a list of items, while acrostics are phrases or sentences created using the first letters of each item. For example, A common acronym used to remember the order of operations in mathematics is BODMAS, which stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Mathematics, Addition, and Subtraction. 

An example of an acrostic is the phrase “Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit,” which helps to remember the order of notes on the lines of the treble clef in music notation: E, G, B, D, and F. The first letter of each word in the phrase corresponds to a note, making it easier to recall the correct order.

Both acronyms and acrostics serve as mnemonic devices that simplify complex or lengthy information into a more memorable format, aiding in learning and retention.

B. Visual mnemonics

Visual mnemonics are a way to help you remember things by turning information into pictures in your mind. Let’s say you’re trying to remember the process of photosynthesis in biology. Instead of just memorizing the words and steps, you could create a mental image or a mini story in your head. Picture a plant in a sunny garden, with its leaves soaking up sunlight. 

Imagine tiny workers inside the leaves, taking in the sunlight and using it to mix water and carbon dioxide to make food for the plant. Then, visualize the plant releasing oxygen as a byproduct of this process. By creating this vivid mental image or story, it will be easier for you to remember the details of photosynthesis when you need to recall them for an exam or discussion.

C. Chunking information

Chunking involves breaking down large pieces of information into smaller, more manageable units. Grouping items together based on their similarities can make remembering and recalling the information easier.

7. Active Recall

Active recall involves testing yourself on the material to strengthen your memory. Regular self-testing can help you identify areas where you need to focus your study efforts and improve retention. Use flashcards, practice tests, or quizzes to test your knowledge actively. Try to recall information without referring to your notes or study materials. 

After completing a practice test, review your answers and correct any errors. Analyze your mistakes to identify areas where you need to improve and adjust your study plan accordingly.

Track your performance on practice tests and quizzes to assess your progress. Then use this information to refine your study techniques and focus on areas where you need the most improvement.

8. Group Study Sessions

Form study groups with classmates who share similar goals and commitment levels. Group study sessions can provide valuable opportunities for collaborative learning and peer support.

Teach each other concepts you’ve mastered and work together to solve problems or complete assignments. Explaining concepts to others can help reinforce your understanding, and you may benefit from your peers’ perspectives and insights.

Establish clear ground rules for your study group, such as setting specific goals for each session and limiting distractions. This will help ensure that your group remains productive and focused.

9. Effective Note-Taking

Condense your large notes into a more manageable format to make it easier to review the material. As you read, jot down the important points into a smaller note, e.g., a jotter. It’s easier to review what you have in your jotter and assimilate it than carrying an entire textbook. Develop a system of abbreviations and symbols to take notes more efficiently. 

Regularly review your notes and identify areas that require further study. 

10. Teach Someone Else

Teaching someone else a concept or topic helps you solidify your understanding and identify any gaps in your knowledge. The process of explaining information to another person requires a deep understanding of the material.

As you teach others, you increase your own understanding of the material and develop a better grasp of the concepts. This mastery will help you perform better on exams.

11. Visualization

Visualization involves creating mental images to represent information. This technique can help you understand complex concepts, remember facts, and recall information more easily during exams.

Practice creating vivid and detailed mental images for different concepts or pieces of information. The more elaborate and engaging the image, the easier it will be to recall.

Apply visualization techniques to suit various subjects, such as creating mental diagrams for science concepts or imagining historical events as scenes in a movie. This versatility will make visualization a powerful study tool.

12. Chunking

Chunking helps you process and remember large amounts of information more effectively. Divide your study material into smaller, related segments to make it easier to understand and recall.

Grouping related information into smaller chunks allows your brain to process and store the information more efficiently. By focusing on smaller units, you can strengthen your memory and recall the material more easily during exams.

Apply chunking to your notes, flashcards, and other study materials by organizing information into related groups or categories. This will help you manage and retain the information more effectively.

13. Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Getting enough sleep is really important for your brain to work at its best and help you remember what you’ve learned. Make sure you’re getting enough rest each night to improve your learning and memory abilities.

Additionally, regular physical activity can boost your brain function, improve your mood, and reduce stress. Incorporate exercise into your routine, and practice stress reduction techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to support your mental health and well-being.

A balanced diet and proper hydration are essential for maintaining energy levels and supporting brain function. Focus on consuming nutrient-rich foods and drinking plenty of water to stay healthy and focused during your study sessions.

Final Takeaway

Experiment with these 13 effective study techniques to find the best ones for you. Remember, persistence and consistent practice are key to achieving your academic goals. As you progress, continue to refine and adapt your study strategies to overcome challenges and maximize your learning potential. By incorporating these techniques into your routine, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle exams and achieve academic success.