One major reason many students fail the JAMB CBT exam is a lack of time management. The allocated time is barely enough to answer all questions and revise your answers. Let’s show you five hacks you can start following from now to ensure that time does not come in between you and scoring 300+ in your coming JAMB exam.

5 Tips To Manage Your Time During The JAMB Exam

#1. Start Practicing How to Use the JAMB CBT Software From Now 

Before the exam, practice using the CBT software effectively on your Edubaloo app. Preparing ahead will help you navigate the interface efficiently, saving precious time during the main exam.

#2. Train Your Time Management Skills

Use the timer feature in your Edubaloo JAMB CBT app to simulate exam conditions and challenge yourself to answer questions correctly within a defined time. As you practice, identify subjects or topics that take you longer to answer and focus on improving your speed in these areas. When you do this consistently, you will find yourself more time-conscious when answering your questions during the actual exam. 

#3. Start With Your Favorite Subjects

It’s a simple hack but a very vital one! Always start with the subjects you’re most confident in. This approach ensures you secure points on questions you’re likely to answer correctly, boosting your overall score even if you struggle with other sections.

#4. Avoid Lingering on Difficult Questions

This is one of the biggest mistakes candidates make. Imagine wasting 5 minutes trying to solve one question when you could have solved ten questions during that time. If you encounter a challenging question, skip it and move on. Unanswered questions are marked with a red bar so you can always go back to them. It’s better to answer multiple questions you know than to waste time on one you’re unsure about.

#5. Arrive Early at the Exam Center

Plan to arrive at least an hour before your scheduled exam time. This extra time allows you to settle in, complete necessary procedures, and calm your nerves before the test begins.